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I'm New

What can I expect at worship?

Worship Service

Our service is printed on worship booklets each week. Red hymnals are used for hymns. The hymns are at the back of the book, with numbers found at the top of the page. Large print hymnals are available in the back of the church if needed.


Our services typically last about 1 hour. You are welcome to join us for fellowship and light refreshments before and afterwards!

Yellow folder with the words "Worship Booklet" written on the front, along with a red hymnal.
Communion tray with wafers and pre-poured wine

What about communion?

All who make profession of Christian faith are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Children and those who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to come forward with their hands folded and receive a blessing.


Bread is broken and wine is poured. Grape juice is available in pre-filled cups. Gluten/Dairy free wafers are available upon request.  You may kneel or stand at the altar rail as you are able.

What about children?

Everyone is welcome and invited to worship. Children are encouraged to participate especially in sermons and service. Bags with small toys and books are available for borrowing in the entry hall.

Wooden tree in the entry hall with small colorful bags of books and small toys
Red brick church building with eight tall, skinny sanctuary windows and a cross in the middle. The side of the building reads Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and a small welcome sign hangs in front.

How should I dress? Where do I go?

Some of us dress up. Some of us wear T-shirts and jeans. Come as you are!


You may use either set of front doors to enter. There is a single-occupancy restroom down the hall from the sanctuary, to the right of the fellowship room.

What else do I need to know?

Visitors are invited to sign the guest book before you leave. If you would like to know more about us, please ask the worship assistant or the greeter for an information packet.

Please do not feel obligated to give an offering. Your gifts are welcome, of course, but your time and presence today are enough for now.


The purpose of our worship service is to connect God with your daily life, offer guidance in your spiritual journey and bring you joy. We are striving to find ways to make our service welcoming to ALL! Your feedback is welcome and helpful.


We hope that you will return!

Guest book in the foreground, with the sanctuary and altar in the background.

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